I walked into class with the beautiful news that we have an additional week to complete our projects. I was hardcore stressing that I was behind but I feel a little more comfortable now. Especially since the additional week we have is spring break so I can fully devote my time and energy to finishing my project!
Now things are going into high gear! Vroom vroom! I'm going after school tomorrow to my own church to confirm that I can film some scenes there. A classmate of mine said she asked them previously and they let her, so it should be fine. At church, I want to film little shots that I could use as potential fillers if I need them. I envision CU pans of stain-glass windows, murals, and flowers to show the beauty of the environment. I also want to bring in my actors at some point, probably just my main character and their closet friend, for a scene between them.
I also just spoke to Adrian, and he can film any day this week so I am planning on story boarding Monday and Tuesday, gathering my supplies on Wednesday, and then filming Thursday-Sunday. I also wrote up some lines for specific scenes and sent them to Adrian so he could familiarize himself with Gabe.
I'm very excited to get things going!
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