Here is the whole script! But to you give a lil' taste before clicking that link, here's my favorite line (which was actually inspired by one of the Bible verses I quoted in one of my previous posts.) :
I feel like a leaf, a dead leaf. I’m disconnected and all shriveled up. I'm scared I’m going to get swept away in the wind.
Quickly while I'm on the topic of sound, I plan to record all of my characters saying the Our Father prayer. For the artsy trailer, I want it to open with a black screen and only the the prayer being said out loud, in unison. The Our Father is too long to use the whole thing but the idea is to have the audio in pieces the coincide with the varying shots. I realize that I didn't explain that well so let me try again:
- BLACK SCREEN, "Our Father,"
- CU pan of stain glass in church *only music*
- MS from back of boys sitting in the pews "who art heaven"
- CU of bibles *only music*
- LS tilt up to priest at alter with cross in the background (symmetry), "hallowed be thy name"
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